Pea Protein Premium Textured Pea Protein

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Pea tissue protein refers to proteins derived from the cellular components of peas, specifically extracted from the tissues of pea plants. This protein source is distinct from traditional pea protein extracted from peas' seeds. The extraction process involves breaking down the cellular structure of pea tissues to release proteins.

Pea tissue protein offers a unique nutritional profile and is rich in various plant-based compounds. It contains essential amino acids necessary for the body's proper functioning and provides a source of protein that is often complemented by other beneficial compounds present in pea tissues.

Light yellow
Odor and taste
Odor and taste of pea protein, no foreign odor and taste
None visible impurity
Irregular square shape
Shelf life
2 Years
dry, cool, and shaded place with original packaging, avoid moisture, store at room temperature.
Particle Size
More or less 40mm x 40mm x 20mm
Water Retention Capacity
Hydration value can reach 3 times


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Pea Protein Premium Textured Pea Protein
