
Fruit mix bagged candy sour candy lollipop

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A candy lollipop is a classic sweet treat that's enjoyed by people of all ages. It consists of a hard sugar candy mounted on a stick, making it easy to hold and enjoy without getting your hands sticky.

One of the primary benefits of candy lollipops is their convenience. They're small and portable, making them perfect for on-the-go snacking or as a quick pick-me-up during the day.

Moreover, candy lollipops come in a wide range of flavors and colors, from fruity to sour, chocolatey to minty. This variety makes them a popular choice for children and adults alike, with everyone having their preferred flavor.

Another benefit of candy lollipops is their versatility. They can be used as party favors, decorative items, and even as a small reward for good behavior. Their unique shape makes them a fun addition to any event, adding color and sweetness to the occasion.

Additionally, candy lollipops are one of the more affordable treats available, making them a budget-friendly option for those looking for a sweet snack. They're also low in calories, making them a better choice than other high-calorie snacks like cakes, cookies, or chocolates.

It's worth noting that excessive consumption of candy lollipops and other high-sugar treats can lead to dental problems like cavities and tooth decay. Therefore, it's important to consume them in moderation and practice good oral hygiene.

In conclusion, candy lollipops are a classic sweet treat that's been enjoyed by generations of people worldwide. They're convenient, versatile, and come in a wide range of flavors and colors, making them an appealing treat for everyone. Whether you prefer fruity, sour, or chocolatey flavors, a candy lollipop is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Product name
Assorted fruit gummy candy
Assored Flavor
Strawberry, apple, grape, pineapple, mango, peach etc.
Could customized
Storage and Shelf Life
(1)Please store in cool & dry place
(2)Please store non high temperature
(3)Please keep away from direct sunshine
Shelf Life: 12 Months
Воскресенье понедельник вторник среда четверг пятница суббота
Январь, февраль, март, апрель, май, июнь, июль, август, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь
Недостаточно доступных предметов. Только[max] левый.

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Fruit mix bagged candy sour candy lollipop

$0.90 $0.75