
E1401 Acid treated starch modified starch

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E1401 Acid treated starch refers to a starch derivative that uses inorganic acids to acid treat starch. In this process, some chemical bond in the starch molecule are broken, and some starch particles are gelatinized and dissolved. This treatment enables starch to have better thickening, surface activity, and viscosity control capabilities.

E1401 acid treated starch, as a common food additive, is widely used in various food manufacturing. Its main applications include:

1.Thickening: E1401 can form a gel state in water or other liquids to increase the viscosity and texture of food. For example, it is used in sauces, salad dressings, noodles, pastries, and other foods.

2.Stability: E1401 acid treated starch can also be used as a stabilizer to maintain the stability and quality of food. For example, it is used in canned meat and vegetables, jam, ice cream, Potsticker and other foods.

3.Loosening: E1401 can also be used as a leavening agent to give food a soft texture. For example, it is used in flour products such as cakes, biscuits, bread, and pizza.

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