High Quality Food Grade Textured Soy Protein Wholesale Food Additives Extract Sale Priced Flaky granular blocky colored

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Soybean tissue protein has excellent nutritional value, rich in high-quality protein and abundant amino acids. It not only provides important nutrients for the body, but also has the characteristics of low saturated fat and cholesterol, which helps maintain cardiovascular health. In addition, the protein texture of soybean tissue is full and the taste is rich, which can give excellent texture and taste to food.
Choosing soy tissue protein as a part of your healthy diet not only allows you to enjoy delicious food, but also injects more vitality into your body's health. Let's welcome a new era of health together, choose soy tissue protein, and make every meal a nutritious and healthy feast!

Crude Protein(dry basis) % 
Crude Fiber(dry basis) % 
≤ 3.5
1 5 0-----4 5 0


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High Quality Food Grade Textured Soy Protein Wholesale Food Additives Extract Sale Priced Flaky granular blocky colored
