What is cocoa butter?

Cocao butter, also known as cocoa butter, is a natural edible oil extracted from cocoa beans during the process of making chocolate and cocoa powder. It has a light chocolate flavor and aroma, and is an ingredient in the production of chocolate. It is used to make the candy known as white chocolate, which is made from it alone.

Uses of Cocoa Butter

Butter is commonly referred to as cocoa butter, which is a natural cooking oil extracted from cocoa beans in the process of making chocolate and cocoa powder.
Cocoa butter is divided into natural and deodorized cocoa butter, depending on the production and process. Natural Cocao butter is light yellow in color and has a natural cocoa aroma; deodorized Cocao butter is based on natural cocoa butter by physically removing impurities, color and odor from the cocoa butter. Deodorized c butter has a bright lemon yellow color and no odor. Natural butter is widely used in the production of chocolate, cakes and other food products; deodorized butter is generally used in the production of high-grade cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, but rarely used in food production