Homemade Cornstarch: A Kitchen Essential You Can Make Yourself


Cornstarch is a pantry staple that often comes to the rescue when you need to thicken sauces, gravies, or soups, or when you want to achieve that perfect consistency in your baking. What many people don't realize is that you can easily make cornstarch at home with just a few simple steps. In this blog post, we'll explore the process of creating your own cornstarch from scratch, allowing you to take more control over your cooking and baking endeavors.

What Is Cornstarch?

Cornstarch, also known as corn flour in some parts of the world, is a fine, white powder that's derived from the endosperm of corn kernels. It's primarily used as a thickening agent in a variety of culinary applications. Making your own cornstarch gives you a deeper understanding of this essential kitchen ingredient and the satisfaction of creating it yourself.

Materials You'll Need

Before you embark on your cornstarch-making adventure, make sure you have the following materials ready:

Corn Kernels: You can use fresh corn on the cob or dried corn kernels, both readily available in most grocery stores.
Blender or Food Processor: You'll need this to grind the corn into a fine powder.
Strainer or Cheesecloth: To separate the starchy liquid from the solid corn mixture.
Large Bowl: For mixing and straining.
Water: Needed to create a starchy paste from the corn kernels.
Patience: Making cornstarch at home is a bit time-consuming but worth the effort.
The Cornstarch-Making Process

Preparation: Start by removing the kernels from fresh corn on the cob. If you're using dried corn kernels, you can skip this step.

Grinding: Place the corn kernels in a blender or food processor and grind them into a fine powder. If using fresh corn, add a small amount of water to create a thick paste.

Extracting the Starch: Transfer the ground corn paste into a large bowl and add water to create a milky mixture. Stir well to dissolve the paste in the water.

Straining: Place a strainer or cheesecloth over another bowl and carefully pour the corn mixture through it. This step separates the starchy liquid from the solids. Gently press the cheesecloth to extract as much liquid as possible.

Settling: Allow the strained liquid to sit undisturbed for several hours or even overnight. During this time, the starch will settle at the bottom while the liquid above it becomes clearer.

Draining: Carefully pour off the clear liquid, leaving the white sediment at the bottom. This sediment is your homemade cornstarch.

Drying: Spread the extracted cornstarch on a tray or plate and let it air dry for a day or until it reaches the desired consistency. You can also use a low-temperature oven to expedite the drying process, ensuring not to overheat it.

Storage: Once your homemade cornstarch is fully dried, transfer it to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place.

Benefits of Making Your Own Cornstarch

Creating cornstarch at home has several advantages:

Control: You can control the thickness of your cornstarch by adjusting the concentration of the starchy liquid during the extraction process.

Purity: Homemade cornstarch is free from additives and preservatives, ensuring a pure and natural product.

Economical: Making your own cornstarch can be more cost-effective than buying commercial options, especially if you have access to fresh corn.

Sustainability: By using locally sourced, organic corn, you can reduce your carbon footprint and support local agriculture.


Making your own cornstarch from scratch is a satisfying and educational culinary project that allows you to appreciate this essential kitchen ingredient in a whole new light. The process is not overly complicated, and the rewards are well worth the effort. So, the next time you need cornstarch for your recipes, consider making your own and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with crafting this kitchen staple from basic corn kernels.


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