Ginger extract is a fresh rhizome extract from ginger, a plant of the genus Zingiberaceae, and its main components are gingerol, gingerol, and myrrhene, α- Curcumene, methyl heptanone, etc. The main component of gingerol is ginger oil, which is a yellow oily liquid with a spicy and bitter taste. Gingerol can be decomposed into mixtures of gingerol, curcumone, and curcuminone. It has the effects of relieving external symptoms and dispersing cold, warming the body to stop vomiting, and resolving phlegm to stop coughing. Commonly used for windchill, cold stomach, vomiting, cold phlegm, cough, etc. This information is compiled by Shi Yan of Chemicalbook.
The extraction source is the fresh rhizome of ginger, a plant of the genus Zingiberaceae. Ginger has about 80 species worldwide, and about 14 species in China. Also known as fire ginger, big meat ginger. Ginger, plant height 0.5~1m. The rhizome is thick, multi branched, and has a fragrant and spicy taste. Leaf blade lanceolate or linear lanceolate, 15 to 30 cm long, 2 to 2.5 cm wide, glabrous, sessile; The ligule is membranous and 2-4 mm long. Total pedicel length 25 cm;
Spike inflorescences are cone shaped, 4-5 cm long; The bracts are ovoid, about 2.5 cm long, pale green or pale yellow in edge, with a small pointed tip at the top; Calyx tube length is about 1 cm; Corolla yellowish green, tube length 2 to 2.5 cm, lobes lanceolate, less than 2 cm long; The central lobe of the labial petal is oblong and obovate, shorter than the corolla lobe, with purple stripes and pale yellow spots. The lateral lobe is ovate, about 6 mm long; Stamens dark purple, anthers about 9 mm long; The connective appendage is drilllike and about 7 mm long. The flowering period is autumn. Habitat and distribution: Widely cultivated in central, southeast, and southwest China. It is also commonly cultivated in Asia.